
Should I Put The Wires In The Tiles Oxygen Not Included

Oxygen Not Included beginner's guide: how to build the perfect space colony

After a lengthy early access period, space colony sim Oxygen Not Included is now out in the wild, and so here are our top tips to get you started.

While the game opens with the prompt to control your Duplicates to start digging, you're going to need more than a little elbow grease to survive. You'll demand to gather materials, access nutrient and h2o and, as the championship suggests, oxygen.

In this guide, we'll be looking at what you demand to know before starting a new game to help you get to grips with Oxygen Not Included's mechanics and go on your Duplicates alive.

Oxygen Not Included - tips for getting started

Oxygen levels

If your Duplicates run out of oxygen, they will concord their breath for a time before running to an oxygenated area. Areas on the map that are bluish in color have a amend oxygen supply, so dig towards those if you lot can.

Yous'll demand to build the Oxygen Diffuser, which requires some power and Algae to work. Enquiry the Manuel Generator and Tiny Battery, and then connect them to your diffuser to become started. Somewhen, y'all'll be able to use the Electrolyzer to convert water into oxygen and hydrogen, which comes with its ain risks.

There's besides the air deodoriser and scrubber, which remove contaminated oxygen and carbon dioxide respectively, though the latter volition produce contaminated water. You can purify that using the water purifier later.

As an bated, carbon dioxide volition travel downwards, and so try and build sleeping and living quarters in the center to upper sections of your base. Yous'll besides need to ensure that there'south enough air to grow crops, as well as making sure your crops are in the correct surroundings.

Research tree

The inquiry tree is your learning tool, though it'southward not articulate where y'all should start. Ideally, you should research food-based technology first as your Duplicates will starve to death earlier they suffocate. Await at farmings basics commencement to get Algae Terrariums which will help get rid of the carbon dioxide. Yous can go rid of them once your carbon dioxide levels have dropped low plenty.

Next, look at power regulation to build more sustainable appliances, but be sure to build the generator and battery kickoff.


Y'all'll brainstorm with 20,000 calories worth of food which won't last very long between your hard workers. Equally y'all begin excavating, you'll come beyond Bristle Berries, Muckroots and Meal Lice which will supplement their diet. Your side by side job is to build a Microbe Musher, and then connect your Manuel Generator and Tiny Battery to it to produce your own nutrient.

It would be a good idea to progress through the Food branch of the Research tree early on to become the Planter Box which will allow you lot to start growing plants and making delicious treats similar Pickled Meal. Some plants volition apply up a lot of oxygen, and then pick them carefully. Subcontract Tiles likewise have upward less vertical space, so it's worth considering learning about them, too.

It'south as well of import that you lot have a sink nearby for your Duplicates to wash their hands to avoid contagion.

H2o catamenia

When yous notice water, be conscientious when earthworks out tiles as some minerals are stronger than others. If y'all dig too close to a sand tile they can plummet, potentially flooding your base, which volition damage machinery and drown your Duplicates.

Collapsing sand tiles could also lead to your Duplicates falling downward a hole and getting stuck, which is a problem in itself.

You'll need to build a pitcher pump over the water source in order to canteen it, likewise as a bottle emptier to move it or collect polluted h2o. Yous can filter polluted water with the water sieve and tin somewhen build a h2o purifier.

Basic sanitation and caring for Duplicates

Duplicates are your little colonists who volition get stressed, go to the bathroom and eventually die, and so programme alee to meet every bones man need. One of the first things you should do is build an outhouse, as you lot don't want any polluted water due to bad sanitation.

If a Indistinguishable were to somehow die, think to bury them unless you want Morb creatures sucking up all your precious oxygen. Afterwards in the game, they'll exist more useful, but for now, you lot desire to avert them if you can.

Coincidentally, they don't like being covered in shit, then you're more likely to become a sick or angry Indistinguishable if y'all don't build any toilets. Should your Duplicates run through polluted poop water, yous tin can easily mop information technology up but you must clean them off in make clean water or else they'll contaminate a larger surface area.

If your Duplicate gets stressed they will throw up or proceed a destructive rampage on the about vital equipment, so try not to crisis them too hard. Vomit can likewise contaminate water and damage equipment, which can end your colony quickly, so keep on superlative of any stress past making certain at that place are plenty of beds, too.


As we said earlier, certain plants demand to be grown in specific environments, with the temperature being i of the key factors. The Temperature Overlay volition assist you encounter the unlike temperatures in each biome which volition help you programme alee.

Depending on the temperature, unlike gasses and germs will be present which can infect your Duplicates or lead to an explosion. You tin employ airlocks and insulated tile to keep these dangers at bay, too every bit natural protection from Abyssalite veins.

A word of circumspection: don't endeavor to break through these veins until later in the game - you don't want to be obliterated by being woefully unprepared.

Base of operations Building

Don't expand your base as well fast or have likewise many new colonists at once; it's better to build slowly and maintain some equilibrium in Oxygen Non Included. If yous're building with lots of wires, try and build them into the walls and floors, every bit this will increase the decor rating.

Brand sure y'all take enough outhouses, beds and decor for your minions, too equally storage bins. Yous tin eventually make a room to store your bins in which will make your Duplicates a little happier. Another way to go rid of infectious materials is to shop them underwater, as lack of air will kill off whatsoever germs. Select each bin and choose what material volition be stored there to make information technology easier.

Go on an eye out for materials similar copper and iron ore, algae, sand and slime which you can employ at the starting time. It's equally of import to effort and choose Duplicates with practiced skills, like high earthworks and construction skills. Yous'll too need a scientist, preferably with a high learning statistic and medicine.

Good Duplicate qualities are Diver'south Lungs, Naturally Robust and Atomic number 26 Gut, equally they requite your Duplicate all-round ameliorate resilience. Or, if you similar a challenge, selection some who demand double the amount of oxygen to exhale or who tin get sick quickly.

Each map is randomly generated so you might information technology hit lucky and have everything you lot demand close at paw. Other times, you lot won't be and so lucky and will lose some Duplicates along the way.

Should I Put The Wires In The Tiles Oxygen Not Included,


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